Saturday, December 28, 2019

Wangari Maathai Environmentalist, Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Dates: April 1, 1940 - September 25, 2011 Also Known as: Wangari Muta Maathai Fields:  ecology, sustainable development, self-help, tree planting, environment, member of Parliament in Kenya, Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Wildlife Firsts:  first woman in central or eastern Africa to hold a Ph.D., the first woman head of a university department in Kenya, first African woman to win the Nobel Prize in Peace About Wangari Maathai Wangari Maathai founded the Green Belt movement in Kenya in 1977, which has planted more than 10 million trees to prevent soil erosion and provide firewood for cooking fires. A 1989 United Nations report noted that only 9 trees were being replanted in Africa for every 100 that were cut down, causing serious problems with deforestation: soil runoff, water pollution, difficulty finding firewood, lack of animal nutrition, etc. The program has been carried out primarily by women in the villages of Kenya, who through protecting their environment and through the paid employment for planting the trees are able to better care for their children and their childrens future. Born in  1940 in Nyeri, Wangari Maathai was able to pursue higher education, a rarity for girls in rural areas of Kenya. Studying in the United States, she earned her biology degree from Mount St. Scholastica College in Kansas and a masters degree at the University of Pittsburgh. When she returned to Kenya, Wangari Maathai worked in veterinary medicine research at the University of Nairobi, and eventually, despite the skepticism and even opposition of the male students and faculty, was able to earn a Ph.D. there. She worked her way up through the academic ranks, becoming head of the veterinary medicine faculty, a first for a woman at any department at that university. Wangari Maathais husband ran for Parliament in the 1970s, and Wangari Maathai became involved in organizing work for poor people and eventually, this became a national grass-roots organization, providing work and improving the environment at the same time. The project has made significant headway against Kenyas deforestation. Wangari Maathai continued her work with the Green Belt Movement and working for environmental and womens causes. She also served as national chairperson for the National Council of Women of Kenya. In 1997 Wangari Maathai ran for the presidency of Kenya, though the party withdrew her candidacy a few days before the election without letting her know; she was defeated for a seat in Parliament in the same election. In 1998, Wangari Maathai gained worldwide attention when the Kenyan President backed development of a luxury housing project and building began by clearing hundreds of acres of Kenya forest. In 1991, Wangari Maathai was arrested and imprisoned; an Amnesty International letter-writing campaign helped free her. In 1999 she suffered head injuries when attacked while planting trees in the Karura Public Forest in Nairobi, part of a protest against continuing deforestation. She was arrested numerous times by the government of Kenyan President Daniel arap Moi. In January 2002, Wangari Maathai accepted a position as Visiting Fellow at Yale Universitys Global Institute for Sustainable Forestry. And in December 2002, Wangari Maathai was elected to Parliament, as Mwai Kibaki defeated Maathais long-time political nemesis, Daniel arap Moi, for 24 years the President of Kenya. Kibaki named Maathai as Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources and Wildlife in January 2003. Wangari Maathai died in Nairobi in 2011 of cancer. More About Wangari Maathai Wangari Maathai and Jason Bock. The Green Belt Movement: Sharing the Approach and the Experience. 2003.Wallace, Aubrey. Eco-Heroes: Twelve Tales of Environmental Victory. Mercury House. 1993.Dianne Rocheleau, Barbara Thomas-Slayter and Esther Wangari, editors. Feminist Political Ecology: Global Issues and Local Experiences.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Power of Persuasion in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight...

From the power of persuasion to the value of honor and beyond, one can witness many facets of human nature played out among the pages of â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight†. No theme of which can be seen more impeccably than the showcase of virtue verses sin. As Gawain is launched into tests of courtesy it is clear that much more is being examined than just his execution of courteous behavior, it is the nature of those around him that is also being taken into account. It is interesting how an author uses the combination of a negatively imbued foe and a positively inspired hero to highlight the traits most desirable for the mere mortals reading such a tale. In â€Å"Sir Gawain† the author uses some of the seven deadly sins to poetically draw†¦show more content†¦Pride is the chief of the seven deadly sins because it is the hardest sin to overcome. No matter how pious a person’s actions are the knowledge that they’re being holy can contribute to the inflation of their pride in their piety. Such a case is highlighted for us in â€Å"Sir Gawain† after the Green Knight makes his challenge to Arthur’s court. No one in Arthur’s court steps up to take the challenge set before them .The Green Knight takes this as cowardice and berates them asking where their arrogance and pride is now. Arthur, of course, is upset by this taunting and takes to the duty asked. (Lines 309-342) Here the reader is shown how much Arthur values the reputation of his courtesy. It is this pride and arrogance that gets him in a pinch of trouble. Luckily, Gawain beseeches Arthur by asking if he â€Å"Would grant (him) the grace† to come down and take over the fight in his stead. (Lines 343-361) This is an example of Gawain’s famous courtesy. Gawain swoops in and asks to release his boss from the contract of a dual in the most eloquent and almost shy manner imaginable. This relates to pride in that Gawain is the most courteous of the knights and thus is the jewel of his king’s court, but he asks humbly if his Lord and Lady would allow him the privilege of his request. It is Arthur’s pride that gets him into trouble and Gawain’s courtesy that gets him out of it. Though Gawain’s courtesy is an excellent trait it is also aShow MoreRelated Sir Gawain and The Green Knight Essay1602 Words   |  7 PagesSir Gawain and The Green Knight Summary The story begins in King Arthurs court, where he and the Knights of the Round Table are celebrating New Years. While they are enjoying their feast, a gigantic Green Knight rides in on a green horse with an immense axe in his hand to offer them a challenge. His offer is: I shall bide the fist blow, as bare as I sit†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.., but in twelve month and one day he shall have of me the same. (Norton Anthology,208) After a moment of consideration, Sir GawainRead MoreSir Gawain and The Green Knight Essay1342 Words   |  6 PagesSir Gawain and The Green Knight In literature, insights into characters, places, and events are often communicated to the reader through the use of imagery within the text. Thus is the case with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The Pearl Poets use of imagery runs rampant within the work culminating to set forth the theme of mysticism and/or the supernatural. In this Medieval romance, the types of imagery used are that of the season or climate, the colors and textures of fabrics and jewelryRead MorePropaganda In Beowulf1007 Words   |  5 Pagesmonsters/thoughts that try to control everything in its way to cause complete destruction and terror across the land. The very notion of God in the story exhibits Christian beliefs and shows that Beowulf’s fight against the devil would be backed by God’s power and love toward his creations and the good word professes. The truth he represents is displayed in Beowulf’s character as well as his morals. The legend suggests that pagan beliefs surrounded it and the ancient mythological gods were replaced byRead MoreThe Noble Chivalric Code And The Middle Class1489 Words   |  6 Pagessix very different pieces written by six very different authors, who represented very different ideas of class division based on the timeframe in which they lived. From chivalry as a knight to ideals of the middle class, this theme is presented thoughout. Chivalry was an ambition, an alluring ideal to which young knights might aspire. â€Å"While Chivalry definitely existed, there was no exact â€Å"Code of Chivalry.† Like a lovely dream, it had many interpretations. Because of this, the definition of chivalryRead MorePerceptions Remain Unchanged By Marie De France Essay1918 Words   |  8 Pages Perceptions Remain Unchanged Marie de France, Geoffrey Chaucer, and the Pearl Poet share one important personal commonality—they all are products of the Medieval Period. During this time, men hold the power and dominate all aspects of everyday life. Women are suppressed and are expected to support men by learning and performing wifely duties, and attending to the needs of the men close to them. There is no opportunity for women to place themselves in positions of authority or influence without

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Twenty-One free essay sample

Johnson and Housman both characterize coming of age as a part of life. In To Sir John Lade , Johnson welcomes getting older in line 1, long-expected one and twenty. Housman ties coming of age with finding love. He mentions love several times throughout the poem, but not your heart away (line 4), but keep your fancy free (line 6). Housman states his point of becoming older through his first-person point of view and a regretful tone. He reminisces about when he was twenty-one. He looks back and he wishes he had heeded the counsel of the wise man. The wise man said, Give crowns and pounds but not your heart away (line 3-4), meaning material possessions come and go, but love should be kept. He notes that love is worth more than any amount of money. The wise man also warned, The heart out of the bosom was never given in vain, meaning love can entrap one. We will write a custom essay sample on Twenty-One or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Line 13-14 states, Tis paid with sighs a plenty and sold for endless rue, shows that Housman thinks love can leave one in misery or heartbroken. He is now twenty-two and agrees with the wise mans counsel by saying, tis true. Johnson brings about his point of growing older by his use of a nonchalant tone and his use of a third-person point of view. Johnson describes the coming of age as a lively time in ones life. Sir John has turned twenty-one and he has inherited a great deal of money. John was admonished to show the spirit of an heir (line 12) and to call the Bettys, Kates, and Jennys (line 9). Johnsons view on adulthood is very relaxed and he views it as a time to experience life. In line 17-18, John was told that Wealth was made to wander, let it wander as it will. Johnson shows that John should enjoy his newfound wealth and allow it to spend. Scorn their counsel and their pother, John was advised to overlook any fuss made about his wilful waste (line 26). Johnson had the ambition to live life as if it were to end the next day. The two poems captured getting older in two separate points of views. Housman had a sense of regret and doubt about his decisions made when he was twenty-one. Johnson depicted John as experiencing life to the fullest when he was twenty-one

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The History and Development of English free essay sample

A look at the development of the English language. This paper presents an examination of the English language and its origins. The author traces through the three stages of Old English, Middle English, and Modern English and examines the development of language. The English Language has been built on the backs of great nations and as these nations rose they brought with them a language that has evolved over many generations and is spoken all over the world. The history of the English language is an extensive and colorful one that has filled the lives of the linguistic scholars who have studied it with many hours of reading material. The English language and its origins will be traced through the three stages of Old English, Middle English, and Modern English. The stages will be studied in order to understand what influences have played a key role in the development of English. We will write a custom essay sample on The History and Development of English or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also in this paper a look will be taken at the ways slang, jargon, and Colloquialism continue to the changes that English is even now under going.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

No Paper Essay Example

No Paper Essay Conflict and NegotiationOB in the Movies BUSM 2200 Team 7 An Analysis of Organizational Development and The Devil Wears Prada 11/16/2010 Leadership Power, Politics and Ethics Contents Leadership5 Is Miranda Priestly and effective Leader? What is her overall leadership STYLE? 5 Miranda Priestly and power9 Miranda’s Power Base – Measuring Bases of power9 COERSIVE10 Reward10 Legitimate10 Expert10 Andys response to Miranda’s Power Base runs through all 3 general areas relating to power11 Commitment11 compliance11 resistance11 Mirandas abuse of power and workplace bullying12 mirandas political activity13 Mirandas Influence tactics include: Pressure and legitimacy, rational persuasion13 Pressure13 legitimacy13 rational persuasion13 Miranda uses several forms of political activity – Blaming others, Associating with influential people and building coalitions14 Blaming others14 building coalitions14 Miranda Priestly and Ethics14 Plot Summary for The Devil Wears Prada (2006) In New York, the simple and naive just-graduated in journalism Andrea Sachs is hired to work as the second assistant of the powerful and sophisticated Miranda Priestly, the ruthless and merciless executive of the Runway fashion magazine. Andrea dreams to become a journalist and faces the opportunity as a temporary professional challenge. The first assistant Emily advises Andrea about the behaviour and preferences of their cruel boss, and the stylist Nigel helps Andrea to dress more adequately for the environment. We will write a custom essay sample on No Paper specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on No Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on No Paper specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Andrea changes her attitude and behaviour, affecting her private life and the relationship with her boyfriend Nate, her family and friends. In the end, Andrea learns that life is made of choices. The story tells the professional adventure of Andrea, whose greatest dream is to become a journalist. Andrea gets a job in the fashion industry through Runway magazine, the most famous of its type, to make ends meet. But Andrea wont develop her writing skills in the magazine, but her talents as the editor in chiefs assistant, Miranda. The problem is that Miranda is a merciless, posh and cruel woman, making the experience a living hell for the girl. The environment in the place will be cold and extremely critical with the physical appearance. The girl will have to change her simple and plain style, for a more trendy and elegant one, in order to gain the acceptance of her ruthless boss and colleagues, especially Emily, her unpleasant workmate. Despite everything against Andrea in the office, she will consider the experience as a challenge, drastically changing her clothes and self-image, with the help of Nigel, the magazines art director. Nevertheless, the job becomes extremely demanding, because of Mirandas tough work rhythm and nearly impossible tasks, leaving Andrea without a private life with her boyfriend, family and friends. Maybe the old Andrea has gone, now more preoccupied about her image and her future in the magazine Miranda Priestley, of Runway magazine tears up the landscape as a demanding fashion editor. She is a terror to everyone who is around her as is quickly depicted in the opening scenes of the movie. Her first assistant strives to please her and tries to emulate her, but one can sense that she s not quite as hard as she tries to put on. Into this mix comes a young woman who knows nothing of the fashion industry, has never read the magazine, and doesnt know who Miranda Priestley is. She only sees this as a stepping stone to another journalism position. Showing no fashion sense and immediately scorned by everyone, Miranda nonetheless hires her as the second assistant. When Miranda demands that she o btain the next unpublished Harry Potter manuscript, you can sense that she is trying to force her to quit, but it makes the young woman dig in to please her boss. With the help of one of the magazines fashion editors; she gets a complete makeover and a new security. However, with her new appearance and the demands placed on her, she starts to lose her friends, family and her live-in boy friend. As she is whisked away to Paris leaving Emily behin, Miranda and andrea faces all of the glamour that could be hers, including a flashy if not artificial freelance journalist, she is forced to make the decision of where she wants to be in her life. hen Miranda does a terrible thing by not giving the ceo position to nigel who deserved it she puts jaqueline (her competition for her job) andrea decided she doesnt want to be like Miranda and walks away Analysis of Conflict the Devil Wears Prada Conflict is defined as a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something the first person cares about Miranda is the editor and editor and chief of runway magazine she is the hard he aded, powerful, rude, Dysfunctional conflict Miranda is always concerned with herself and not her employies. Group improvement is something Miranda doesn’t care about which causes conflict within the organization. This is not always bad because it makes andrea get everything together and fast Communication-source conflict Lack of communication is a lare cause of the conflict in this movie. Miranda tells her employees what to do instead of communicating with them to find our issues and solve problems. Mirandas leadership which is veru abrasive caused employees to feel undermines and useless, this causes low self esteem, fear and panic Conflict management strategies There is little problem sovling in the movie Miranda just wants everything done her way and doesn’t help andrea when shes been given 100 tasks to do in such little time. Shes using the forcing teachnique to get all her employees to do her tasks and they comply because of their fear of Miranda Andrea uses the avoidance technique towards Miranda as well as the employees as they run away when Miranda is coming into the room. Resolving personality conflicts There are many problems here there is not attempt on anyones part trying to manage conflict. Nor is the much compromise within the company. Andrea uses the avoidance technique and just does what ever Miranda says even if they are impossible like getting her the manuscript for harry potter in 3 days plus another list of all tasks that must be done or shes fired. Andrea also usues yielding because she puts Mirandas needs before her own and starts to change as a person avoiding her other responabilities to her friends and boyfriend (missing/forgetting his birthday) Miranda, andrea and Emily both have personality conflicts with eachother. There are misunderstandings, blaming other for mistakes (Miranda blames andrea for a flight she didn’t get to on time) Andreas low self esteem causes personal conlict with herself , who she is and what her priorities are. Theres also come conflict when andreas is sent to parris instead of Emily. Emily is hurt and mad and andreas did exactly what Miranda did to others. Analysis of Leadership and the Devil Wears Prada Leadership Leaders establish direction by developing a vision of the future and then align people by communicating this vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles ffective leadership is the key factor of an enterprise’s success Is Miranda Priestly and effective Leader? What is her overall leadership STYLE? These are two questions that we set out to answer in this analysis. Leading is one function of management and effective leadership is the key factor of an enterprise’s success. Leadership is an ability that can influence individuals, groups or or ganizations to realize the already decided target, so to some degree it can be thought that leadership is an ability owned by one leader. Leadership can be expressed and spread through different ways by different people, because it is the different features and characteristics of one person that determine the leadership of him or her. In this film, the leadership of the two main actresses who are Miranda Priestly and Andy Sachs is different. Miranda is absolutely strict and always emphasizes the last results but never takes care of the hard-working process of her employees and never understands well the thinking of her staff because she always what she wants is just what the others want, which is one important reason that Andy leaves her at last. Andy is different from Miranda. She is kind, keen and careful to everyone, and she always can think over some issues in others’ point and position. The most fascinating feature of Andy is that she knows what is she really needs, so she decides to take away from Miranda smartly finally. Although there are so many differences between Andy and Miranda, there are still some features of them in common. To some degree, both Andy and Miranda are effective and successful leaders, and the most common characteristics of them are competent, hard-working and responsible, which are all the most important factors of effective and successful leadership. There are four main factors of leadership, which are leader, follower, situation and communication. The different characteristics of one person and the different group of these four factors can form different leadership style, and different leadership style applies to different conditions and different people. For example, a new employee requires more supervision than an experienced one and a person who lacks of motivation need a different approach than one with a high degree of motivation. So in fact, it needs different leadership style, maybe the style of Miranda and maybe the style of Andy. The effective and successful leadership is not absolutely decided by nature, and can be learned and obtained through the hard working, for example, Andy in this film. When she firstly came into the Subway, she felt uncomfortable and stupid, but after her continuous learning and hard working, she became talent and competent and can make impossible missions possible. With the new working group – team becoming popular, another important point should be remembered that in the new century, an effective team leader is needed, so the team leadership should be learned by leaders. The roles of team leader include liaisons with external constituencies, trouble shooter and conflict managers and couches. After thinking over this film, some meaningful suggestions can be drawn about how to make effective and successful leadership for a leader. First, it needs leaders learn continuously in order to improve the leadership, especially the team leadership, and can carry different leadership style according to different situations and different people. Second, put the communication between you and employees on agenda not like Miranda, because the success of your leadership is based on the excellent execution of your followers, so the communication between you is necessary. Thirdly, because the difference in the promotion of male leaders and female leaders exists, so they should carry different leadership properly. At last, leaders should make clear that transactional leadership is different transformational leadership, and use them clearly. Analysis of Power, politics and ethics in the Devil Wears Prada Miranda Priestly and power Power refers to the capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B, so that B acts in accordance with A’s wishes. Miranda’s Power Base – Measuring Bases of power Miranda’s power base is far reaching, coercive, reward, legitimate, expert but not really information or referent. Her high performance company runway is the highest industry competitor. The industry provies millions of people with work as she would say and â€Å"the close your wearing were chosen for you by the vary people in this room† she is saying that andreas bad taste in clothing and how she has no care in the world for fashion the garmet she’s wearing was a huge fashion stage years ago She is very authoritarian, aggressive, picky and harsh. Typical examples shown in her speech are, your incompetence does not interest me (6’34), I couldn’t have been clearer (15’58),Please bore someone else with your question (16’17) and this is your responsibility, this is your job (30’01). Miranda often asks her subordinates to do what is impossible to do, like helping her to get a jet during a hurricane and finding the unpublished Harry Potter manuscript for her daughters. She also usually gives directives and uses explicit forms in Commenting or complaining about others. Her words are caustic. COERSIVE Coercive power is power that is based on fear. This is pretty obvious during the entire film as Miranda, along with her reputation is known as the dragon lady†¦.. she uses fear and the fear of firing andrea if she makes a simple mistake or doesn’t meet a dealine She tells andrea to get a copy of the 1 manuscript from jk rowling herself (impossible) and mentions don’t bother showing up tomorrow if you cant get them Reward Reward power is based on the ability to distribute rewards that others view as valuable. An ongoing line in the movie is â€Å"A million girls would kill to get this job†, if you work at Runway for a year you could get any job in New York that you want. Legitimate Legitimate Power is the power associated with ones position and represents the power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization. Miranda is at the top of her game in fashion as the editor and chief at the centre of one of the most influential fashion magazines in the world in one of the worlds fashion capitals her legitimate power is very pronounced. Expert Expert power is influence that is based on expertise, special skills or knowledge Being that Miranda Priestly chooses all of the designers that appear in Runway magazine as well as the layout and content and the fact that throughout the movie she is THE authority on all things fashion it goes without saying that her expert power is well defined and recognized. She is very powerful in the industry and her field and it a high profile organization At the end of the movie Miranda starts to show weekness, talking to andrea, crying about her divorce and shows that as powerful as she is she has another side to her most people will never see Andys response to Miranda’s Power Base runs through all 3 general areas relating to power Commitment Andy is initially enthusiastic with her position at runway and shows initiative and persistence in carrying out the sometimes (almost) impossible tasks assigned to her by Miranda Priestly. She shows that she has no self esteem and just follows what ever Miranda says Examples of this include her walking the dog, getting coffee and are dramatically pointed out with her obtaining the unreleased manuscript for the new Harry Potter for Miranda’s young twin girls, along with boogey boards, fip flops, coffee, dresses from calvin kline compliance As her job at Runway takes it’s begins to negatively affect her personal relationships with friends and ultimately the separation of her and her boyfriend. Andy begins to reevaluate her values and how they relate to her job – â€Å"has she compromised her beliefs and is the price to high to pay for this job† Andy continues to carry out her duties at Runway and even changes her appearance to match the company culture at Runway even though she is questioning her choices resistance Resistance to power is carried out by vocal opposition to a request, avoidance, and refusal or with stalling or arguing. This form of response from Andy takes place towards the end of the movie and is a turning point for Andy. She has lost her boyfriend, alienated her friends and has just been told by Miranda that in order to become successful (like her) you have to make choices and sacrifices. Andy protests the choices that Miranda has made that have negatively affected Nigel, her most dedicated employee. When Miranda says that Andy is the same as her, Andy decides to resist by getting out of the limousine throwing her cell phone into a fountain and going back to her boyfriend. Mirandas abuse of power and workplace bullying Andy Sachs is competent and confident in the films early scenes, but she quickly dissolves into a lap dog when confronted with her the magisterial bullying demands of her boss bully and the first assistant. She fetches the coffee, only to be told: Pour it out. I dont want it. She works late, because Priestly expects her to, and she accedes to everything asked of her, including giving up her personal life. Priestly never thanks Sachs for her effort or recognizes her ability. Instead, she deliberately and knowingly criticizes her assistants appearance and performance at every turn. Like many targets, Andy possesses two characteristics: * She has a desire to cooperate, and * She has a non-confronting interpersonal style. While these characteristics may signal a quiet confidence, the bully sees these as evidence that the target will be easy to control and unlikely to fight back. If targets find themselves in this position, they have to educate themselves about the ways of workplace bullying and take control. The boss bullys biggest weapon is the targets denial, the person who says, I should be better. I have to try harder. Bully bosses always undermine their targets; no matter how hard the target tries. Once the target identifies the bully for what she is, however, the target can begin to assert her own power. she Miranda shows throughout the movies she constantly doesn’t care ( calling andrea Emily) she acts as though her employees are beneath her. mirandas political activity Mirandas Influence tactics include: Pressure and legitimacy, rational persuasion Pressure Pressure tactics use demands, threats and reminders to get someone to do something Evidence of pressure as an influence tactic in The Devil Wears Prada is widespread – from the overwhelming anxiety that is rampant in the office during the call out that she is â€Å"on her way up† to the ultimatum that Miranda gives to Andy to accept the trip to Paris for fashion week that her coworker is suppose to have or be fired – essentially stabbing her colleague in the back. egitimacy Legitimacy tactics are used by those who claim the authority or right to make a request showing that it supports organizational goals or policies. Miranda’s legitimacy tactics are evident in her interactions at the fashion event of the year in Paris for Fashion Week. Miranda uses several forms of political activity – Blaming others, Associating with influential people and building Miranda Pr iestly and Ethics Miranda quickly established her role as the ‘Master’ over her ‘Slave’ employees. She lived, ate, and breathed her career. Work and life had merged into one unified and indivisible whole. She expected everyone to have the same devotion to Runway Magazine. Employee’s time with family and friends was an expendable commodity, a frill. * Miranda refused to address her new assistant Andy (Anne Hathaway) by her proper name, and substituted the name of her other assistant. * She demanded that Andy be on call 24/7 (without adequate compensation) * She gave a long list of demands without allowing any questions and expected employees to know the details of each task, but did not provide any training. She sent Andy on multiple errands, without clear instructions, and an impossibly short time-frame under threat of being fired if she did not deliver. * She insulted her intelligence and mocked her style of dress, publicly and privately * She forbade any employees from riding in the elevator with her, which further underlined a Master/Slave relationship. * She bullies all the time throwing her bags at andy and e xpecting anything and everything

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Albatross and Rimm of the Ancient Mariner

Albatross and Rimm of the Ancient Mariner Free Online Research Papers One act changes a mans life forever. What is it about an albatross that is so powerful it could affect the lives of people? It’s only a bird, a large bird, an aquatic bird with coloring of white and dark brown or black. In the poem â€Å"Rimm of the Ancient Mariner†, life changes for over 200 men with the single act of a man with his bow. Only if you believe there is a link between nature and the spiritual world would you be affected. But what is it about the life of a bird, an albatross that could change lives. Sailors for centuries have considered the albatross an omen of good luck or in some cases a curse. In the poem â€Å"Rimm of the Ancient Mariner† the crew learns that life can change quickly both for the good or bad. When their ship is frozen in the ice and an albatross appears, the ship is freed and released and once again the sails are filled with the wind. The albatross has acted as a giver of life, something that goes deeper than just the flesh. This new freedom is almost like salvation, not only have they experienced the physical freedom but also their spirits have been released from certain doom. As the sailors feed and play with the bird there seems to be more than just a physical connection. A kindred spirit has formed, a trust in each other. Then for some unknown reason one of the sailors decides to kill the albatross. With this action comes retribution from an unforeseen source. With the killing of the bird the spiritual world has been awakened. Both good and bad will exert their influence upon the ship. The curse of death has been passed upon them and upon that single sailor he will suffer the worst death of all. He would live but wish that he could die. They witness death coming in the form of a skeletal ship with a crew of two, Death and Life-in-Death. The souls are required of each man that condoned the killing, except the one who did the actual act. â€Å"Life-in-death† will require that sailor’s soul to be tormented inside him until the retribution has been paid, if ever. With the price paid the heavenly spirits guide the ship back to its home port, where the tormented sailor will start his journey of life-in-death. Because we live in the natural world and cannot see the spiritual one does not mean that it does not exist. I have had feelings at one time or another that certain things were not right to do, and it was more than conscience that was talking to me. I am also sure that many have experienced or heard about someone dying and talking about the angels that they see. The sailors on this ship saw death and the price that each had to pay. All this because they refused to honor the natural world and all it had to offer. So an albatross may have more power than we think. Just as much power in death as in life. Research Papers on Albatross and Rimm of the Ancient MarinerHenderson the Rain KingDeontological Teleological TheoriesGenetic EngineeringThe Fifth HorsemanExempt vs Non-Exempt EmployeesThe Story of Beatrix PotterDistance Learning Survival GuideThe Rise and Fall of Napoleon BonaparteAmerican Central Banking and OilThe Equal Rights Amendment

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Developmental psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Developmental psychology - Essay Example In the preoperational stage, the child is in a later stage of development, early childhood, and they tend to be more and more focused on the world around them. In the concrete stage, â€Å"accommodation increases. The child develops an ability to think abstractly and to make rational judgements about concrete or observable phenomena, which in the past he needed to manipulate physically to understand† (Piaget, 2010). And the stage of formal operations can be roughly equated to adolescence. There are various tasks that Piaget attributes to each stage; for example, in the conservation task of the concrete stage, â€Å"They also see that when one of the vessels is emptied into a taller and thinner receptacle, the level of liquid is higher in the thinner vessel than in the other original vessel. Pre-Concrete Operations stage children conclude that there is more liquid in the thinner vessel† (Conservation, 2008). The results of this task may be that the child is not able to d ifferentiate between different volumes in vessels of different shapes. Although, as mentioned, some argue that there are confounding variables, Piaget has general support in today’s society. Piaget’s concepts of assimilation and accommodation are important to consider in the construction of a childs schema. Accommodation is the tougher concept, in terms of the cognitive effort that the child has to put forth. In assimilation, it is basically like the child taking in new information that fits into a sort of pre-fabricated place in their brain—it is new information that fits seamlessly with old information. Accommodation, however, is more about conflict and compromise. â€Å"In accommodation, the internal world has to accommodate itself to the evidence with which it is confronted and thus adapt to it, which can be a more difficult and painful process.   In the database analogy, it is like what happens when you try to put in information which does not fit the